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150 gr nuci
250-260 gr zahar tos
150 gr unt
esenta de rom
2 linguri de cacao
150 ml apa
100 gr ciocolata neagra
2 linguri de ulei
Nucile se macina marunt cu robotul de bucatarie, biscuitii de asemeni.
Pe foc punem o craticioara si fierbem apa cu zaharul 5 min cat sa se lege putin, apoi adaugam nucile macinate si mai lasam 1 min pe foc.
Se ia de pe foc si se adauga biscuitii, apoi untul, esenta de rom, se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza totul foarte bine. Impartim compozitia in doua parti egale, iar intr-una se adauga cacao si se amesteca bine.
Intr-o tava de dimensiunile 26 x 29 cm se aşază partea de compozitie cu ciocolata, se prezeaza si se niveleaza bine, fie cu o lingura fie cu mana umezita cu putin ulei, apoi partea fara cacao si se pune in frigider pentru 1 ora.
Pregatim glazura, pe baie de aburi, topind ciocolata impreuna cu uleiul, pe care o turnam apoi peste prajitura.
Se portioneaza dupa ce se intareaste glazura.
Atat de simplu, dar atat de gustos!!!
Biscuits, nuts and chocolate glaze dessert
300 gr biscuits, crumble
150 gr nuts, chopped with the food processor
250-260 gr sugar
150 gr room temperature butter
rum essence
2 tablespoon cocoa powder
150 ml water
The glaze
100 gr dark chocolate
2 tablespoon sunflower oil
Nuts are grounded with the food processor, the biscuits as well.
In a sauce pan on medim heat add the water and the sugar, and let it boil around 5 min, after that add the nuts and let boil for 1 min.
Take the pan off the heat, add the biscuits and the butter, rum extract, mix well until butter is melted and well incorporate. Split the mixture in two parts, mix one with the cocoa powder.
In a tray (26 x 29 cm) lined with plastic foil add the mixture with the cocoa powder, level well with a spatula, add the second layer with the other half of batter and level even. Put the tray in the freezer for 1 hour.
For the glaze, melt the chocolate with the oil on a double boiler and glaze the dessert.
Let the tray in the freezer until the glaze harden.
Cut the dessert in nice pices with a knife and ENJOY!!!
Easy but very very tasty!!!
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