
25 noiembrie, 2014

Salata in straturi

Salata aceasta este atat de buna, atat de satioasa asa ca pranzul este asigurat.

Va invit sa incercati si voi aceasta salata, reteta video este chiar aici!!!

1 piept de pui dezosat
200 gr ciuperci champignon proaspete 
1 conserva cu boabe de porumb
1 ceapa rosie sau verde
3 oua fierte tari
2 morcovi
putin marar
sare, piper
1 lingurita de otet de mere
200 gr maioneza de casa, gasiti reteta scrisa aici sau video aici


Carnea se taie cubulete mici si se pune intr-o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei sa se gateasca pana prinde un pic de culoare, condimentam cu sre si piper, apoi o lasam sa se raceasca.
Ciupercile se taie cubulete si se gatesc in aceeasi tigaie cu un pic de ulei pana se evapora apa, condimentam cu sare si piper. Dupa ce se racoreste putin se amesteca cu otetul de mere.
Morcovul se rade pe razatoarea mica, ceapa se taie marunt.

Asamblam salata astfel:
La baza asezam carnea, apoi un strat de maioneza, un strat de morcov ras, ciupercile, ceapa, alt strat de maioneza, ouale date pe razatoare, boabele de porumb si garnisim cu putin marar.

Rezulta 6 portii de salata DELICIOASA, pe care trebuie sa le imparti cu cei dragi.
O salata satioasa si pe care o poti modifica dupa placerea ta sau cu ce ai prin frigider.

Layered salad

1 chicken breast boneless,
2 carrots
200 gr champignon fresh mushrooms
or canned
1 red onion,
some dill
3 hard boilled eggs
1 teaspoon apple vineger
300 gr canned corn, drained
200 gr homemade mayonnaise
salt and pepper by taste

Cut meat into small pieces, heat a pan with a little bit of sunflower oil and cook the meat, season with salt and pepper. Let the meat cool.
Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and in the same pan, with a little bit of oil, cook the mushrooms until the water evaporate, season with salt and pepper. Let the mushrooms cool and add the vinegar.

Grate the carrots, cut the onions and the dill into small pieces.

Assembly the salad
Layer the meat, add one layer of mayonnaise, one layer of grated carrots, a layer of mushrooms, a layer of onion, another layer of mayonnaise, grate the eggs in one layer and add the corn beans on top. Sprinkle a little bit of dill and the salad is ready to be served.

Is a versatile salad, you can add another ingredients and remove other, but is going to be a DELICIOS salad.
6 servings for you and the loved ones.


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