
14 decembrie, 2014

Vulcan Magic - Magic Volcano

Astazi v-am pregatit ceva spectaculos, plin de magie. Un desert minunat cu care va puteti surprinde invitatii.
Am pregatit acest desert astazi cu ingrediente fara gluten, dar le puteti inlocui cu aceleasi cantitati cu ingrediente normale.
Stiti deja ca suntem parte a unui proiect minunat "Un Craciun dulce si fara gluten cu Dr. Schar" si puteti gasi si alte retete pregatite de bloggeri cu mult talent pe pagina de Facebook Dr. Schar. 

Puteti urmari reteta video chiar aici!!!


250 gr zahar
5 oua
3-4 linguri de cacao
200 gr unt/margarina la temperatura camerei
300 gr faina fara gluten "Mix it!" Universal - Dr Schar 
10 gr praf de copt
esenta de rom
un praf de sare

Pentru discurile de ciocolata: 140 gr ciocolata neagra

Pentru crema ganache: 200 gr ciocolata neagra, 100 gr ciocolata alba, 100 ml frisca lichida

- incalzim cuptorul la 180 gr Celsius
- tapetam o tava de 20x30 cm cu hartie de copt
- frecam untul cu zaharul, pana obtinem o compozitie cremoasa si aerata, adaugam si un praf de sare
- adaugam ouale, pe rand, si le incorporam
- incorporam cacao, esenta de rom, jumatate din cantitatea de faina, preful de copt si restul de faina
- turnam compozitia in tava si coacem aluatul pana se rumeneste frumos deasupra, testam cu scobitoarea sa vedem daca este copt, dar nu scoatem tava din cuptor pana nu se raceste prajitura, altfel se va lasa.
Dupa ce se raceste se decupeaza prajiturile sub forma unor cercuri, dar si interiorul acestora se decupeaza tot sub forma de cerc.

Discurile de ciocolata
Topim 140 gr ciocolata neagra fara gluten, pe baie de aburi, o intindem cu un cutit sau spatula de metal, pe o folie de aluminiu, intindem in strat subtire si uniform.
O lasam sa se solidifice intre foi de aluminiu. Apoi decupam discuri, de marimea prajiturilor.
Pastram discurile in congelator pana in momentul servirii.

Crema ganache
Topim pe baie de aburi ciocolata alba, separat si pe cea neagra, incalzim putin frisca lichida. Punem ceva mai multa frisca lichida peste ciocolata neagra, restul peste cea alba, amestecam pe fiecare in parte, pana la omogenizare.
In momentul servirii cele doua creme trebuie sa fie destul de fierbinti.

Asamblare prajituri
Umplem prajiturile cu o lingura de crema alba si una de crema neagra si plasam discurile de ciocolata deasupra.
Si punem o lingura de crema ganache neagra, fierbinte, peste discurile de ciocolata, si.......MAGIA a aparut!!!!
Discul de ciocolata se topeste si se scurge in interiorul prajiturii, iar cand invitatul va taia din aceasta, crema de ciocolata alba si neagra se vor revarsa decadent.

Spectaculos, dar incredibil de gustos!!!


Magic Volcano

Today i'm going to prepare a spectacular dessert, full of magic.
I made this dessert with gluten free ingredients, but you can replace them with normal ones, same quantities.
You know allready that we are pare of an wonderful campaign "A Sweet Christmas gluten free with Dr Schar" along with other wonderful bloggers, and you can find their recipes on the Facebook Dr. Schar. 


Sponge cake
250 gr sugar
5 eggs
3-4 tbsp cocoa powder
200 gr butter/margarine, room temperature
300 gr flower gluten free  "Mix it!" Universal - Dr Schar 
10 gr backing powder
Rum extract
pinch of salt

For the chocolate disk: 140 gr dark chocolate

For the ganache: 200 gr dark chocolate, 100 gr white chocolate, 100 ml double cream

for the sponge cake
- Heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius
- line a tray  (20x30 cm) with backing paper
- Mix well the butter with the sugar, until soth and fluffy, add a pinch of salt
- add the eggs, one by one, and stir
- add the cocoa powder, rum extract, half of the flour, baking powder and the rest of the flour
- pour the batter in the tray, and bake until done, testit with a toothpick
- don't take it out from the oven until cool
After cool, cut disks, and cut off  the interior as well

Chocolate disks
Melt 140 gr of dark chocolate, on double boiler, and spred it with a knife or spatula in a thin layer,over aluminium foil, let it cool complelety.
Let it solidify between aluminium foil after that, cut off disk with the same size like the sponge cake.
Place the disk in the freezer until serving.

For the ganache
Melt on double boiler, separately, the white and the dark chocolate, warm the cream and pour over the two bowls of chocolate. 
When you serve this desserts to the guest this creams must be very warm.

Fill the sponge cakes with 1 tbsp of white mixture and 1 of the dark mixture, plase on top one chocolate disk.
Serve to the guest like this, and at the table place on top of the disk a tbsp of dark hot dark mixture.......and the MAGIC is here!!!!
The chocolate disk melt and drips inside the cake, and when you cut into the dessert a decadend lava chocolate flow will appear

Spectacular and incredible tasty!!!

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