La multi ani, dragi prieteni!!! Implinim un an de cand am conceput "Farfuria vesela", un an minunat si mai ales un proiect minunat. Cu aceasta ocazie va multumim celor ce ne-ati fost alaturi in acest an grozav.
Va dorim sanatate, bucurii si multa veselie in anul ce a inceput!!!
Si cum altfel puteam sarbatori, daca nu cu un desert?! dar un desert racoros cu crema de lamaie, bine-venit dupa festinul de sarbatori.
Reteta video o puteti urmari chiar aici!!!
5 oua
150 gr zahar
(10 linguri)
120 gr faina
(10 linguri)
1 lingura
1 lingurita
de praf de copt
4 linguri apa
1 praf de
4 galbenusuri
125 gr zahar
200 ml
smantana pentru frisca
400 gr crema
Zeama de la o
250 ml apa
50 gr zahar
Coaja si
zeama de la o lamaie
200 ml
smantana pentru frisca
3 linguri de zahar |
Preparare blat
Incalzim cuptorul la 180 gr C.
Separam albusurile de galbenusuri.
Albusurile se bat spuma tare cu un praf de sare, apoi adaugam zaharul alternand cu cate o lingura de apa, adaugam galbenusurile pe rand si le incorporam bine.
Faina o cernem impreuna cu cacao si cu praful de copt si o incorporam usor, cu un tel in aluatul de mai sus.

Turnam aluatul in tava, nivelam bine si va sta in cuptor pana se va coace si rumeni, aprox 30-40 min, dar cel mai bine incercam cu scobitoarea.
Dupa coacere, opriti focul si mai lasati blatul acolo 15 min pentru a nu se lasa.
Lasam blatul sa se raceasca si apoi il feliem.
Galbenusurile le frecam cu zaharul, zeama de lamaie si un praf de sare, pe baie de aburi pentru 4 min, rezultand o compozitie cremoasa si destul de groasa. O lasam sa se raceasca si apoi amestecam cu crema de branza.
Smantana o mixam pana obtinem frisca si o amestecam cu crema de mai sus.
Amestecam ingredientele pentru sirop si le firbem 3 min, apoi lasam sa se raceasca.
Prima foaie de blat o insiropam, asezam crema, asezam urmatoarea foaie, insiropam, crema si la fel si cu ultima foaie. Asezam crema pe toata suprafata exterioara a tortului si ornam cu frisca dupa placul fiecaruia.
Un tort DELICIOS, racoritor si aratos!
La multi ani!!! Si va asteptam in continuare pe site sau pe canalul de Youtube!!!
For the english version keep reading!
Lemon frosting cake
Happy birthday, dear friends!!! We celebrate 1 year since we started this amazing project, "Fun Dish". On this occasion we thank those who have been with us this great year. We wish you healt, lots of joy and fun on this year that just started!!!
And how else we can celebrate if not with a dessert?! but a fresh dessert, lemony and creamy.
The video recipe right here!!!
Sponge cake
5 eggs
150 gr sugar (10 tbsp)
120 gr flour (10 tbsp)
1 tbsp cacoa
1 tbs baking powder
4 tbsp water
1 pinch of salt
4 yolks
125 gr sugar
200 ml cream
400 gr cream cheese
juice of one lemon
250 ml water
50 gr sugar
zest and juice of one lemon
200 ml whipped cream
3 tbsp sugar |
Preparing the sponge cake
Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius.
Separate egg yolks from the whites.
Mix the whites with a pinch of salt, until soft peaks , add the sugar alternating with one tbsp of water, mix until stiff peaks, add the yolks and mix well.
Sift the flour with the cocoa powder and the baking powder.
Add the dry ingredients in the mizture above and mix softly until incorporate well.
Prepare the tray (mine has 22 cm diameter) place baking paper in it and pour the mixture.
Bake for 30-40 min, but please do the toothpick test to see if is done.
Leave the sponge cake in the oven for 15 min with the oven turn off. Let it cool and slice it in 3 parts.
The frosting
On double boiler, mix the yolks with the sugar (save one tbsp of sugar for the whipping cream) and the juice of lemon, whisk for 4 min, until thicken. Let this mixture to cool, after that add the cream cheese.
Do the whipped cream with one tbsp of sugar and mix with the frosting above.
Keep in the refrigerator until assembly the cake
The syrop
Mix the ingredients and boil for 3 min. Let it cool.
Assembly the cake
Put syrup on every slice of sponge cake, add 1/3 of the frosting, level, add another slice of cake, add syrup, frosting and the last slice of cake as well. Cover the cake with frosting.
Decorate with whipping cream or as you like.
A delicious cake, refreshing and good looking too :))
Happy birthday !!! And please visit us again on the site or Youtube channel !!!
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