
27 decembrie, 2019

Prajitura cu gem si nuca - Cake with jam and walnuts

Un desert simplu asa cum facea bunica. Aluatul este simplu cu doar cateva ingrediente, apoi umplutura cu gem si nuca. Se aseaza toate in straturi si se coace prajitura in cuptor.
La multi ani! Sarbatori cu bucurii si multa sanatate!

Filmul in Romana

Ingrediente pentru aluat / Ingredients for the dough
300-400 grame faina/gr flour
150 grame unt / gr soft butter
60 grame zahar / gr sugar
6 linguri lapte / tbs milk
7 grame drojdie uscata / gr dry yeast
1 ou / egg
2 galbenusuri / egg yolks

 Untul se amesteca cu zaharul.
Mix the butter with sugar

 Se adauga oul si se amesteca.
Add the egg and mix
 Incorporeaza galbenusurile.
 Incorporate the egg yolks
 Adauga laptele in compozitie.
 Add milk into this mixture
 Se pune si drojdia uscata.
 Add the dry yeast
 Se incorporeaza faina pana se obtine un aluat nelipicios ce poae fi intins foi.
 Add flour until you obtain a non sticky dough that you can spread with the rolling pin
 Se lasa deoparte pana se pregateste umplutura.
 Let aside the dough until you are ready with the filling
 Ingrediente pentru umplutura / Ingredients for the filling
150 grame zahar / gr sugar
300 grame nuci / grams walnuts
1/2 lingurita scortisoara / tbsp cinnamon 
 Se macina walnuts.
Ground the walnuts
 Se amesteca cu zaharul
Mix them with the sugar
Se imparte aluatul in 3 partiegale.
Split the dough in 3 equal parts
 Se pudreaza masa cu faina si se intinde cu sucitorul prima bucata de aluat
Dust the surface with flour and spread the first piece of dough with the rolling pin
Se asaza foaia intinsa in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
 Place the sheet on the tin over the backing paper
 Se unge cu gem
Grease it with jam
 Presara 1/3 din umplutura cu nuca
Sprinkle over it 1/3 of the walnuts filling
 Se intinde urmatoarea bucata de aluat si se asaza in tava peste precedenta
Spread the next piece of dough and place it over the first one in the tin

 Se unge cu gem
Grease it with jam
 Se presara nuca
Sprinkle with walnuts filling
 Se pune ultima foaie in tava si se inteapa cu o furculita. Se lasa as se odiheasca la temperatura camerei pentru 40 min.
Place the last piece of dough on top of everything and place holes in it with a fork.
Let it sit for 40 minutes to rest at room temperature. 
 Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 gr C pentru 40 minute.
Bake it at 170 degree C for 30 min.

Se bat doua albusuri si se toarna peste prajitura coapta.
Beat 2 egg whites and pour it over the baked cake 
 Se presara restul de umplutura si se coace pentru inca 10 minute.
Sprinkle the rest of the filiing and bake for 10 more minutes.
 Se lasa as se raceasac si se poate portiona.
Let it cool down and portion it. 

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