Reteta in Lb Romana
31 ianuarie, 2020
Budinca de paine - Bread pudding
Un desert la care nu te-ai astepta sa fie atat de bun, un desert pe care il poti servi cu incredere pentru ca ese grozav de bun. Am daruit catorva persoane aceasta prajitura si toti mi-au spus ca este delicioasa, nimeni nu a sesizat ca este cu paine.
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Reteta in Lb Romana
28 ianuarie, 2020
Prajitura cu cacao si gem - Jam and cocoa cake
Sper sa va placa aceasta prajitura. Nu este deloc greu de pregatit si nici de cine stie ce ingrediente speciale nu este nevoie, arat foarte frumos si este foarte buna.
Reteta in Lb. Romana
Recipe in English
Reteta in Lb. Romana
24 ianuarie, 2020
Mini rulade cu nutella - Mini rolls with nutella
Imi plac aceste mici deserturi cu putine ingrediente, dar care arata foarte frumos si se pregatesc foarte rapid.
I like this small deserts that you can prepare with just a few ingredients and looks nice and you can make them quickly.
Reteta in Lb Romana
Recipe in English
I like this small deserts that you can prepare with just a few ingredients and looks nice and you can make them quickly.
Reteta in Lb Romana
21 ianuarie, 2020
Cheesecake cu cafea - Coffee cheesecake
Una dintre prajiturile cu care sigur nu veti da gres in fata familiei si prietenilor. Cei ce iubesc cafeua vor fi foarte incantati si cred ca nu numai ei.
This amazing cheesecake will be loved by the coffee lovers and not just them.
Reteta in Lb Romana
This amazing cheesecake will be loved by the coffee lovers and not just them.
Reteta in Lb Romana
17 ianuarie, 2020
Tort cu ciocolata - Chocolate cake
Sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre acest tort. Este cel mai simplu, economic, usor de pregatit si gustor tort de ciocolata. Chiar daca este micut il veti putea imparti in suficiente portii cat sa va alaturati o multime de prieteni sau familia.
Este bine sa-l scoateti din frigider cam cu o jumatate de ora inainte de a-l servi.
Let me tell you a few words about this cake. It is the simplest, economical, easy to prepare and tasty chocolate cake. Even if it is small you can divide it into enough portions to join a lot of friends or family.
It is best to remove it from the refrigerator about half an hour before serving it.
English recipe
Este bine sa-l scoateti din frigider cam cu o jumatate de ora inainte de a-l servi.
Let me tell you a few words about this cake. It is the simplest, economical, easy to prepare and tasty chocolate cake. Even if it is small you can divide it into enough portions to join a lot of friends or family.
It is best to remove it from the refrigerator about half an hour before serving it.
Reteta in romana
14 ianuarie, 2020
Mancare vegana cu conopida - Vegan meal with cauliflower
Am pregatit o mancare atat de simpla, da atat de gustoasa si chiar va incurajez sa o pregatiti si poi. O puteti servi calda cu salata proaspata sau cu cea de muraturi.
Simple and easy to cook and very tasty meal. I really encourage you to try it. You can serve it warm with fresh salad or with picked.
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Video in English
Simple and easy to cook and very tasty meal. I really encourage you to try it. You can serve it warm with fresh salad or with picked.
Reteta video in Romana
11 ianuarie, 2020
Prajitura cu kiwi - Kiwi cake
Am pregatit prajitura aceasta pentru un prieten drag si mi-a plaut tare mult rezultul final. Ador gustul fructelor de kiwi, dar mai ales culoarea acestora, iar semintele dau acestui desert acel lucru special si minunat de care orice desert are nevoie.
I have baked this cake for a friend and I was happy of how this turn out to be. I like the kiwi fruits and I love what the kiwi seeds did to this, made it so interesting and nice looking.
Reteta in limba romana
Recipe in English
I have baked this cake for a friend and I was happy of how this turn out to be. I like the kiwi fruits and I love what the kiwi seeds did to this, made it so interesting and nice looking.
Reteta in limba romana
07 ianuarie, 2020
Placinta pentru mic dejun - Breakfast pie
Hai sa incepem anul cu ceva simplu dar gustos. Nu se poate altfel. Este o placinta pe care o faceti cu cateva ciuperci si ce mai gasiti prin frigider. Nu este complicat de pregatit si o puteti servi calda sau rece pe parcursul intregii zi.
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Recipe in English