
21 ianuarie, 2020

Cheesecake cu cafea - Coffee cheesecake

Una dintre prajiturile cu care sigur nu veti da gres in fata familiei si prietenilor. Cei ce iubesc cafeua vor fi foarte incantati si cred ca nu numai ei.
This amazing cheesecake will be loved by the coffee lovers and not just them.

Reteta in Lb Romana

210 grams biscuiti cu ovaz si semninte de susan
80-100 grame unt

210 grams oats and sesame seed cookies
80-100 grams butter

600 grame crema de branza
200 grame frisca lichida
160 grame zahar
50 grame amidon de porumb
2 lingurite de cafea instant
4 galbenusuri

600 grams cream cheese
200 grams whipping cream
160 grams of sugar
50 grams cornstarch
2 tsp instant coffee
4 egg yolks

8 grame jeleu cu inchegare rapida
1 lingura de zahar
200 ml cafea

8 grams powder jello
1 tbsp sugar
200 ml coffee

Se incepe cu sfaramarea biscuitilor sie cu robotul de bucatarie sie cu sucitorul.
Se topeste untul in cuptorul cu microunde si se toarna peste biscuiti.
Se amesteca si se toarna, preseaza intr-o tava rotunda cu diametrul de 22 cm.
Se tine in frigider pana se pregateste si umplutura.

Pentru pregatirea umpluturii se amesteca toate ingredientele enumerate si se toarna in tava peste baza de biscuiti.
Se pune tava intr-o tava mai mare si secoace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 gr C pentru 50 min. Se lasa sa se raceasca in cuptor fara a deschide usa acestuia pentru cel putin 20 min dupa coacere.
Cand a ajuns la temperatura camerei se pune in frigider pentru cel putin 3 ore.
Se amesteca pudra de jeleu cu zaharul si cu cafeaua si se fierbe 1 min pe focul de la aragaz si se toarna in centrul prajiturii.
Se tine la rece pentru cateva minute si poate fi portionata si servita.

To prepare this cheese cake first crush the biscuits with a mixer or with a rolling pin.
Melt the butter in the microwave and pour it over the biscuits, mix and transfer this into the round shape tin. Spread and press this mixture and keep the tin in the fridge until you are ready with the filling.

Mix all ingredients that I mentioned in for the filling. Mix everything with a hand mixer and pour it over the biscuits in the tin.
Tut the tin in another just for your house safety because you don't want butter to leak into your oven.
Bake this in the preheated oven at 170 degree C for 50 min.
Let it cool down in the oven without opening the oven door for at least 20 min after done backing.
When it reached the room temperature place it in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
Prepare the jelly by mixing the powder jello with sugar and the coffee, boil it for 1 min according to the instructions from the jello pack and pour it over the cake.
Let it cool down a few min and you can serve the cake.

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