
14 ianuarie, 2020

Mancare vegana cu conopida - Vegan meal with cauliflower

Am pregatit o mancare atat de simpla, da atat de gustoasa si chiar va incurajez sa o pregatiti si poi. O puteti servi calda cu salata proaspata sau cu cea de muraturi.

Simple and easy to cook and very tasty meal. I really encourage you to try it. You can serve it warm with fresh salad or with picked.

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Video in English

o conopida nu prea mare - 1 small cauliflower
un ardei kapia - 1 red pepper
4 cartofi mici 4 small potatoes
2 morcovi - 2 carrots
2 cepe - 2 onions
3 catei de usturoi - 3 coves or garlic
400 gr mazare din conserva - 400 gr green peas from the can
400 gr lapte de cocos - 40 gr coconut milk
2 liguri de pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 lingurite de pudra de curry - 2 teaspoons of curry powder
sare si piper - salt, pepper
2 linguri de amidon - 2 tablespoons of starch (corn or potatoe)
3 linguri de ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons of olive oil

Se curata legumele, se spala si se taie.
Conopida, cartofii si morcovii se pun in apa la fiert cu putina sare pentru 15 min.
Ardeii taiati tubulete se calesc in putin ulei intr-o tigaie se iau 2 polonic de apa de la legumele ce fierb si se adauga peste ardei si se pune ceapa si usturoiul sa se inabuse.
Se adauga pasta de tomate si pudra de curii si se stoc legumele si se pun peste ardei si ceapa.
Amidonul se amesteca cu lapreel de cocos si se toarna in tigaie si se da intr-un clocot.
Te transfera totul intr-un vas termorezistent si se amesteca bine si cu mazarea, se condimenteaza dupa gust cu sare si piper si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 gr C pentru 25 min.

Peal and wash the vegetables,
Put in a pot to boil cauliflower, sliced potatoes and sliced carrots, for 15 min.
In a pan heat up olive oil and cook the pepper. Add over it some water from the vegetables that are boiling. Add the dices onion to soften, and the garlic.
Add the tomatoes paste and curry powder.
Take the vegetables from the water and place them over the onion.
Mix the starch with coconut milk and pour it in the pan.
Bring to a boil and transfer everything in a larger dish, mix everything even the drained green peas, slat and pepper and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degree for 25 min.

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