
24 ianuarie, 2020

Mini rulade cu nutella - Mini rolls with nutella

Imi plac aceste mici deserturi cu putine ingrediente, dar care arata foarte frumos si se pregatesc foarte rapid.
I like this small deserts that you can prepare with just a few ingredients and looks nice and you can make them quickly.

Reteta in Lb Romana

Recipe in English

4 oua
60 grame zahar
70 grame faina
5 grame praf de copt
8 grame zahar vanilinat
2 linguri de apa calda
1 lingura de ulei
crema de ciocolata Nutella

4 eggs
60 grams sugar
70 grams flour
5 grams baking powder
8 grams vanilinated sugar
2 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp oil

Am separat albusurile de galbenusuri.
Galbenusurile se amesteca cu zaharul si cu cel vanilinat. Se adauga si albusuile si se continua amestecarea, se adauga si apa si uleiul. La final faina si praful de copt.
Aluatul este destul de lichid, dar asa foaia va fi flexibila si o veti putea rula.
Se toarna aluatul in tava cuptorului pe hartie de copt/
Se niveleaza usor si se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170gr C pentru 15 min.
Se scoate din cuptor si se lasa sa se raceasca. Se dezlipeste de hartia de copt.
Se unge foaia cu nutella, intr-un strat subtire si se taie in fasii de 5-6 cm.
Se ruleaza fiecare fasie si apoi se pun la frigider.
Se mai puteti portiona in mai multe bucati dupa ce au stat la frigider pentru cateva ore.
Se pot pudra cu zahar.

Separate the whites from the egg yolks.
Mix the yolks with the sugar and vanillin sugar. Add the egg whites and continue mixing, add water and oil. In the end, the flour and baking powder.
The dough is quite liquid, but this the sheet will be flexible and you will be able to roll it after baking
Pour the dough into the oven tray on baking paper /
Bake it in the preheated oven at 170gr C for 15 minutes.
Remove from oven and allow to cool.Detach it from the baking paper.
Grease the sheet with nutella, in a thin layer and cut into 5-6 cm strips.
Roll each strip and then put in the refrigerator.
You can still portion it in several pieces after they have been in the refrigerator for a few hours.
Powder it with sugar.

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