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Recipe in English
Ingrediente- Ingredients
6 ciuperci mari -6 large mushrooms
4 fire de ceapa verde - 4 spring onions
1 ardei rosu - 1 red pepper
2 oua - 2 eggs
200 grame smantana acra 20% grasime - 200 grams sour cream 20% fat
80 grame faima - 80 grams flour
5 grame praf de copt- 5 grams baking powder
branza/cascaval - grated cheese
mushi tigamesc sau piept de pui afumat - ham or smoked chicken meat
sare, piper, 1 ligurita boia dulce - salt, pepper, 1 teaspoon paprika
3 linguri ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons olive oil
seminte de susan si chimen - sesame seeds and cumin
Se taie ciupercile feliute - slice the mushrooms
Intr-o tigaie se incalzeste putin ulei de masile si se calesc ciupercile cu putina sare si piper pana se evapora apa. In a frying pan cook the mushrooms with a bit of salt and pepper until all water evaporates.
Am tocat ardeiul si ceapa verde - chop the red pepper and the spring onion
Carnea se taie cubulete - cut the meat in cubes
Se bat ouale - beat the eggs
se amesteca cu smantana, sare, piper - mix the eggs with sour cream, salt and pepper
Se adauga praful de copt si faina - add the backing powder and the flour
Am pus boia atatpentru gust cat si pentru culoare - Add the paprika for color but mostly for the taste
Intr-o tava rotunda am pus hartie de copt si jumatate din compozitia cu oua - In around shape tin covered in backing paper pour half of the egg mixture
Se presara pe rand ciupercile, carnea, ceapa, ardeiul si branzeturile rase - Add on top the mushrooms , meat, onions, pepper and the cheese
Se toarna restul de aluat - pour the rest of the egg mixture
Se presara semintele - Sprinkle the seeds
Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade C pentru 30 min - Bake it in the preheated oven at 180 gr C for 30 min
Serve hot or cold.
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