
11 ianuarie, 2020

Prajitura cu kiwi - Kiwi cake

Am pregatit prajitura aceasta pentru un prieten drag si mi-a plaut tare mult rezultul final. Ador gustul fructelor de kiwi, dar mai ales culoarea acestora, iar semintele dau acestui desert acel lucru special si minunat de care orice desert are nevoie.
I have baked this cake for a friend and I was happy of how this turn out to be. I like the kiwi fruits and I love what the kiwi seeds did to this, made it so interesting and nice looking.

Reteta in limba romana
Recipe in English

Ingrediente/ Ingredients

Blat - Sponge cake
3 oua - 3 eggs
60 grame zahar - 60 grams sugar
40 grame faina - 40 grams flour
1 lingura cacao - 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
5 grame praf de copt - 5 grams baking powder
1 praf de sare - 1 pinch of salt

 Se separa albusurile de galbenusuri si se spumeaza albusurile cu un praf de sare. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and whisk the whites with a pinch of salt.

 Adaugati zaharul si continuati sa mixati pana cand aveto o bezea tare. Add sugar and continue to mix until you will have stiff peaks
 Adaugati galbenusurile. Add the egg yolks
 Si restul ingredientelor, cacaoa, praful de copt si faina. Add the rest of the ingredients: cocoa powder, baking powder and the flour.

 Turnati aluatul intr-o tava rotunda cu diametrul de 22 cm, tapetata cu hartie de copt la baza si unsa cu unt si pudrata cu faina pe margini. Coaceti blatul in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade C pentru 15 min si lasati blatul in cupor pentru a se raci.
 Pour the batter in a round shape tin with the diameter of 22 cm, lined with baking paper at the base and greased sides with butter and dusted with flour. Bake the sponge cake in the preheated at 180 C for 15 min and let  it cool down in the oven.

Umplutura - Filling
150 grame zahar - 150 grames sugar
4 fructe de kiwi - 4 kiwi fruits
4 oua - 4 eggs
200 grame frisca - 200 grame whipping cream
10 grame gelatina granule- 10 grams granule gelatine
2 x 8 grame zahar vanilinat - vanilinated sugar
 Am curatat fructele de kiwi de coaja si le-am sfaramat cu mixerul vertical.
I pealed the kiwi fruits and smashed with the vertical mixer.
 Am amestecat ouale cu zaharul.
Mix the eggs with the sugar
 Adaugati si pulpa de kiwi.
Add the kiwi pulp.
 Si puneti vasul cu amest amestec de oua, zahar si fructe deasupra unui alt vas in care fierbe apa si amestecati continuu. pana zaharul se topeste, crema va fi laptoasa si grosuta. Lasati-o sa se racoreasca pentru cateva minute.
And cook this over another pot on witch you boil water, continue mixing until de sugar is melted, and the mixture will have a milky look and it will be thick. Let it cool down for  a few minutes.
 Peste galatina turnati apa cat sa o acopere si o lasati la hidratat cateva minute.
Over the gelatine pour water and let it hidrate for  a few minutes.

 Apoi o puteti amesteca cu crema de fructe. After you can mix it with the fruit mixture

 Spumati frisca si spre final adaugati si zaharul vanilinat.
Whip the whipping cream and add vanilinated sugar at the end.
 On the cooled sponge cake pout rom extract
Peste blatul copt si racit turnati esenta de rom

 Si in crema de fructe racita amestecati frisca sumata.
And in the fruit mixture that is cooled down add the whipped cream.
 Por the filling over the sponge cake and let the cake in the fridge for a few hours.
Turnati umplutura peste blat si lasati prajitura la frigider pentru cateva ore.
 Cand crema s-a inchegat treceti cu un cutit pe marginea tavii si desprindeti inelul acesteia.
When the filling is settled run a knife on the edges of the tin and remove the ring of it.
 Decorati prajitura cu frisca si fructe de kiwi. Si eu am folosit 200 grame frisca lichida, cu 3 linguri de zahar pudra, 10 grame de intaritor pentru frisca cat si fructe de kiwi.
Decorate the care using 200 grams of whipping cream, 3 tablespoons of powder sugar, 10 gram cream stiffener  and slices of kiwi fruit. 

 Spumati frisca, apoi adaugati zaharul pudra si intaritorul pentru frisca.
Whip the cream, add sugar and cream stifene

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