
17 ianuarie, 2020

Tort cu ciocolata - Chocolate cake

Sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre acest tort. Este cel mai simplu, economic, usor de pregatit si gustor tort de ciocolata. Chiar daca este micut il veti putea imparti in suficiente portii cat sa va alaturati o multime de prieteni sau familia.
Este bine sa-l scoateti din frigider cam cu o jumatate de ora inainte de a-l servi.

Let me tell you a few words about this cake. It is the simplest, economical, easy to prepare and tasty chocolate cake. Even if it is small you can divide it into enough portions to join a lot of friends or family.
It is best to remove it from the refrigerator about half an hour before serving it.

Reteta in romana
English recipe

75 grame faina
2 linguri cacao
100 grame zahar
3 oua
3 linguri lapte
125 grame unt la temperatura camerei
1 lingura miere

100 grame ciocolata
60-70 ml lapte

75 grame four
2 tbsp cocoa powder
100 grams sugar
3 eggs
3 tbsp milk
125 grams room temperature butter
1 tbsp honey

100 grams chocolate
60-70 grams milk

Se amesteca untul cu zaharul, se adauga ouale pe rand si se amesteca bine dupa fiecare.
Se adauga laptele si restul ingredientelor uscate. Se toarna aluatul intr-o tava unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu faina. Dimensiunile tavii 21 x 32 cm.
Se asaza aceasta tava intr-o alta, mai mare in care se toarna apa fierbinte.
Se coace astfel in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 gr C pentru 30-35 min, si se lasa sa se raceasca in cuptor dupa ce ati facut testul cu scobitoarea.
Se portioneaza apoi in 4 parti egale, taind blatul pe verticala.
Se topeste ciocolata cu laptele, pe focul de la aragaz si se pune cicolata intre foile de blat si apoi se imbraca tortul in ciocolata.
Se decoreaza cu bomboane de cicolata
Se tine la rece, in frigider pentru cateva ore inainte de servire.

Mix the butter with the sugar, add the eggs and mix well after each.
Add the milk and the rest of the dry ingredients. Pour the dough into an oiled pan and dusted with flour. The dimensions of the tray 21 x 32 cm.
Place this tray in another, larger one and add boiling hot water in it
Bake in the preheated oven at 170 grams C for 30-35 minutes, and allow to cool in the oven after you made the tooth pick test.
Divide into 4 equal parts.

Melt the chocolate with the milk, on the  stove and place the melted chocolate between the sheets and then dress the cake in chocolate.

Decorate with chocolate candies

Keep cold in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

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