
05 februarie, 2020

Prajitura cu fructe uscate - Sweet bread with dry fruits

O prajitura aromata ce se poate servi dimineata la ceai sau cafea.

Reteta in limba Romana

Recipe in English


380 grame faina
70 grame zahar
7 grame drojdie uscata
150 ml lapte
100 grame unt la temperatura camerei
1 ou
200 grame fructe uscate (caise, stafide)
50 grame migdale maruntite
zahar vanilinat
esenta de vanilie
nucsoara si scortisoara pudra
esenta de lamaie
coaja rasa de la o portocala
1/4 lingurita sare

Laptele si zaharul se incalzesc pe aragaz.
Se amesteca faina cu toate celelalte ingrediente uscate, inclusiv cu nucsoara si scortisoara.
Se adauga oul, untul si treptat laptele caldut si se framanta bine aluatul.
Se lasa la dospit.
Fructele se hidrateaza in apa calduta dupa care se toaca marunt.
Dupa ce aluatul a dospit se incorporeaza si fructele si se lasa iar sa dospeasca.
Se intinde usor pe masa de lucru si fie poate fi rulat fie doar impaturit, asa cu am facut si eu. Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 gr C pentru 40-45 min.
Se lasa as se raceasca, se unge cu unt topit si se pudreaza cu zahar pudra.

380 grams flour
70 grams sugar
7 grams dry yeast
150 ml milk
100 grams butter at room temperature
1 egg
200 grams of dried fruit (apricots, raisins)
50 grams of chopped almonds
vanilla sugar
vanilla essence
nutmeg and cinnamon powder
lemon essence
zest from an orange 
1/4 teaspoon salt

Milk and sugar are heated on the stove.
Mix flour with all other dry ingredients, including nutmeg and cinnamon.
Add the egg, butter and gradually warm milk and knead the dough well.
Leave it to rise..
The fruits are hydrated in the warm water and then finely chopped.
After the dough has risen, the fruit is also incorporated and left to rise again.
It stretches easily on the work table and can either be rolled or just folded, so I did. Bake in preheated oven at 170 grams C for 40-45 min.
Allow to cool, oil with melted butter and powdered with powdered sugar.

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